God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve?!
Is the bold statement above a bit too harsh?
Islam as we know it is based on the Quran, Hadith and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w), so to begin with lets take a look what these religious texts say about the matter.
"Do you approach males among the worlds.And leave what your Lord has created for you as mates? But you are a people transgressing."
[Quran 26: 165-166]
[Quran 26: 165-166]
"Do you indeed approach men with desire instead of women? Rather, you are a people behaving ignorantly."
[Quran 27:55]
By looking at these quotes we can conclude that it is a major sin to be homosexual in Islam. Regardless of this, we know that there are many men AND women that have homosexual fee
lings and desires. How may this be helped? Can this be helped?
Referring back to love, many boys. girls, men and women all have said 'we can't help who we fall in love with!' If that is the case, and we have undying love for someone, a feeling that takes over us then why is it homosexuality is prohibited in Islam? In fact most religions and religious texts clearly state it is a severe sin, but why? If we can't help how we feel or CONTROL our feelings then is this fair? Is it right?
Upon reading an article about Islam and homosexuality, I thought homosexuality for some is natural? But the truth is Islam does not show wrath upon those who have homosexuals feelings but those who PRACTICE homosexuality. Having said that Islam teaches that humans cannot be homosexual by nature, so where does this leave those Muslims that have homosexual feelings?
By looking at these quotes we can conclude that it is a major sin to be homosexual in Islam. Regardless of this, we know that there are many men AND women that have homosexual fee
lings and desires. How may this be helped? Can this be helped?
Referring back to love, many boys. girls, men and women all have said 'we can't help who we fall in love with!' If that is the case, and we have undying love for someone, a feeling that takes over us then why is it homosexuality is prohibited in Islam? In fact most religions and religious texts clearly state it is a severe sin, but why? If we can't help how we feel or CONTROL our feelings then is this fair? Is it right?
Upon reading an article about Islam and homosexuality, I thought homosexuality for some is natural? But the truth is Islam does not show wrath upon those who have homosexuals feelings but those who PRACTICE homosexuality. Having said that Islam teaches that humans cannot be homosexual by nature, so where does this leave those Muslims that have homosexual feelings?
This image was taken from an article called Queering the Quran. I was so shocked to come across this, (please take a read and you'll see why I'm in awe) but the title gives it away.
Those who are homosexual may be glad to read another article in the guardian about opening a gay-friendly mosque. To some of you the news of this may make you angry, after all there is no room for homosexuals in Islam, but in today's society we have to accept there are people that say they are Muslim and gay and need their space in society.
Narrated AbuHurayrah: The Prophet (saws) said: A man should not lie with another man and a woman should not lie with another woman without covering their private parts except a child or a father.
(Abu Dawood)